Day 13

Week 3 has begun, and my chairs are finally starting to come together and look like a finished product. I am starting to be able to picture the final product and what it will look like. To start off the week, I planed for today to be used as an errand day. I spent time calling local hardware stores and large chain stores to try and track down a matching sealer for the mahogany. I needed to match what the factory put on the mahogany because after I had stripped the wood, there was an untreated and unsealed edge that needed to be sealed.

Here is the sealer and finish I needed to match what was currently on the mahogany.

My next step for today was to clean the garage and set up for paint. I had to sweep and vacuum out the wood chips from when I beveled the edges of the wood, so they would not stick to the paint. After cleaning, I was able to get the first coat of paint on one side of a chair and a frame. For the first chair, I am trying to keep the original color, green.

At the end of day 13, I had put in 3 hours of work.

This brings my total hours to 34

1. Bought wood finish
2. Cleaned/ peeped for paint
3. Started paint

Tomorrows tasks (weather permitting):
1. Paint
2. Start finishing wood


  1. Looks good Eric. Have you figured out the spacing of the wood slats? You might want to cut the corners for the spacers before you put finish on, so no unfinished wood is exposed. Love the P.A green.

  2. Looking good Eric! Seems like you are making good progress and documenting it all. Keep it up


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